Fact 02
Fact 01
Fact 07
Fact 05
Fact 08
Thefacts of light
SSR搭建教程 | Sui Xin's Blog:2021-11-16 · 所众可众到一些国外的服务器提供商购买,如 DigitalOcean,Vultr 或 Bandwagonhost。 DigitalOcean 如果你是学生,这里强势推荐一下 DigitalOcean ,你可众在 GitHub 教育认证链接 认证为学生用户,就可众直接得到 DO 的 $50 优惠券伕码 ,如果按照 DO 的最低配置 VPS 算,够使用 10 个月了。
Fact 03
Laser phosphor
Fact 09
Fact 06
Fact 04

西柚加速器破解版永久免费2- 旋风加速器官网

This site is designed to walk you through the factual and actual benefits, drawbacks, and properties of each cinema illumination source – Xenon, laser phosphor, and RGB pure laser.

The 9 facts presented on this site will help shine some light on which projector is right for you:

  1. The brightness and color tradeoff

  2. 国外的梯子

  3. Industrial longevity (a brief history of Xenon, lighting 200,000 screens)

  4. Projection specs after one year of use

  5. The effects of brightness degradation
  1. RGB pure laser outperforms laser phosphor illumination

  2. RGB pure laser is the only projection platform capable of achieving Rec. 2024 color

  3. RGB pure laser is the only illumination platform capable of achieving High Dynamic Range

  4. Affordable RGB pure laser projectors for mainstream cinemas are available now.

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